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2005: Wie is de meest sexy vegetariër of veganist ter wereld?

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Re:2005: Wie is de meest sexy vegetariër of veganist ter wereld?
« Reactie #40 Gepost op: 17 augustus 2005, 16:53:05 »
Die Chris Martin schijnt dus niet een echte vegetarier te zijn las ik...
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Re:2005: Wie is de meest sexy vegetariër of veganist ter wereld?
« Reactie #41 Gepost op: 17 augustus 2005, 21:05:32 »
He? Waar las je dat dan? Volgens mij is het zelfs een macrobioot. En die eten toch geen vlees?
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Re:2005: Wie is de meest sexy vegetariër of veganist ter wereld?
« Reactie #42 Gepost op: 17 augustus 2005, 21:20:27 »
He? Waar las je dat dan? Volgens mij is het zelfs een macrobioot. En die eten toch geen vlees?

het ging om vis wat die af en toe nog at ofzo. Zal even opzoeken waar het stond...
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Re:2005: Wie is de meest sexy vegetariër of veganist ter wereld?
« Reactie #43 Gepost op: 17 augustus 2005, 21:21:45 »

"And it's very strange being the world's sexiest vegetarian" -- as he was recently voted in an online poll by PETA, although it should be noted he does eat fish -- "because eight years ago, if I'd invite someone over to my place for a tofu burger, they wouldn't be interested."
« Laatst bewerkt op: 17 augustus 2005, 21:40:49 door Christiaan »
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Re:2005: Wie is de meest sexy vegetariër of veganist ter wereld?
« Reactie #44 Gepost op: 21 augustus 2005, 02:42:24 »
Bedoelen jullie met Lenny Lenny Kravitz? Want die krijgt dan absoluut mijn vote. Wat een mooie man is dat zeg!

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Re:2005: Wie is de meest sexy vegetariër of veganist ter wereld?
« Reactie #45 Gepost op: 17 september 2005, 11:42:27 »

Knight Ridder Newspapers

Aug. 31, 2005 05:15 PM Andre Benjamin, a.k.a. Andre 3000 of OutKast, is
a vegan, and a famous one. Apparently, according to the New York Post,
the rapper and actor was named "sexiest male vegetarian" by People for
the Ethical Treatment of Animals. But wait, what's that thing hanging
from his belt? Why, it's a genuine gray wolf's tail he picked up in

Apparently opposed to eating animals, Benjamin seems to have no problem
wearing them. Never mind, by the way, that the gray wolf is considered
an endangered species in the United States. And it gets better.
Benjamin, currently starring in the movie "Four Brothers" with Mark
Wahlberg, plans to put out a line of clothing that includes the wolf's
tail as an accessory, the Post reports. Asked about the hollow
hypocrisy of it all, Benjamin said, "I'm a vegan, but I like to look
good, too."


ANNA NICOLE SMITH has slammed OUTKAST star ANDRE '3000' BENJAMIN for including grey wolf fur in his planned new clothing line.

Animal-loving Smith is using her weekly column in this week's
(ends11SEP) National Enquirer tabloid to make her feelings known about
the rap star's fashion blunder.

And she's holding nothing back, asking Benjamin, what sort of "hoochie momma" he hopes to get to buy wolf fur clothing.

She writes, "Come on Mr 3000, is this a joke? Even if grey wolves weren't endangered, that's not fashion. That's just nasty!"

09/09/2005 09:11
« Laatst bewerkt op: 17 september 2005, 13:12:23 door Sander »
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Re:2005: Wie is de meest sexy vegetariër of veganist ter wereld?
« Reactie #46 Gepost op: 22 mei 2006, 21:32:26 »
Prince Is Voted World's Sexiest Vegetarian

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Re:2005: Wie is de meest sexy vegetariër of veganist ter wereld?
« Reactie #47 Gepost op: 22 mei 2006, 22:45:52 »
Goeie keus! Ik vind Prince wel een erg lekker ding!  :hungry:
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