En nog een kritiekpuntje: het is een onderzoek in de US of A en het kan in Nederland totaal anders zijn.
Tja, helaas is het zo dat als er geen echt redenen zijn voor een ander verband dat een Nederlands onderzoek weinig kans maakt om internationaal gepubliceerd te worden. Dus die zullen er dan toch weinig zijn ...
Maar wel over Zweden en Noorwegen:
Lifestyle-Related Characteristics of Young Low-Meat Consumers and Omnivores in Sweden and Norway
Author Larsson, Christel L.; Klock, Kristin S.; Nordrehaug Astrom, Anne; Haugejorden, Ola; Johansson, Gunnar
Source Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 190-198, Aug 2002
ISSN 1054-139X
Abstract This article compares the lifestyle-related characteristics of low-meat consumer & omnivore adolescents in Sweden & Norway. A total of 2,041 students (578 from Umea, Sweden; 504 from Stockholm, Sweden; & 959 from Bergen, Norway), with a mean age of 15.5 years, completed a questionnaire. Information was collected about physical characteristics; health; family situation; & social, exercise, alcohol, & tobacco habits. The response rate was 95% in Umea, 91% in Stockholm, & 83% in Bergen. Statistical analyses included Chi-square & Mann-Whitney U tests. There was no reported difference between low-meat consumers & omnivores with respect to alcohol use, smoking, weight, or amount of exercise. Female low-meat consumers more frequently used smokeless tobacco, reported having more sick days during the last year, attached less importance to "being healthy," & had been depressed more often than female omnivores. Male low-meat consumers reported, to a greater extent than male omnivores, having been tired without reason, often having headaches, & having been depressed. Female low-meat consumers had parents with a higher level of education than did female omnivores & more often spent time with friends after school. Vegetarianism or low-meat consumption is mainly a female phenomenon among adolescents in this study. The study indicates that the lifestyle of young low-meat consumers differs from the lifestyle found in previous studies of vegetarians with respect to the respondents' exercise habits, their perception of their own health, & their use of alcohol & tobacco. Contrary to findings from other studies, adherence to a low-meat diet may not correlate with other health promotion practices among adolescents in Sweden & Norway. 5 Tables, 30 References. Adapted from the source document.
En in Web of science:
Health-related determinants of organic food consumption in the Netherlands
Author(s): Schifferstein HNJ, Ophuis PAMO
Source: FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE Volume: 9 Issue: 3 Pages: 119-133 Published: MAY 1998
Abstract: Health-related determinants of organic food consumption in a sample of customers of health and natural food stores were compared to those in a nationwide representative household sample. Organic food buyers considered themselves more responsible for their own health and were more likely to undertake preventive health action than the general population, Wholesomeness, absence of chemicals, environment friendliness, and a better taste were the primary reasons to buy organic foods. The customers of health and natural food stores found appearance, ease of preparation, and fitness for slimming less important than the nationwide sample. Stepwise discriminant analyses showed that buyer groups were distinguished best on the basis of education, body mass index, scores on the Health Locus of Control scales, or interest in vegetarianism and naturopathy. The differences between buyers and non-buyers on a multitude of measures suggest that organic food consumption is part of a way of life. It results from an ideology, connected to a particular value system, that affects personality measures, attitudes, and consumption behavior.
Maar ik vroeg naar vegetarianism