According to Vegetarian site NVB the only Bertolli product which is vegetarian is the margarine ("voor op brood"):
you also have to understand that in the Netherlands, for one reason or another, producers are quite reluctant to label products 'vegetarian'. There are only very few that actually bother to obtain the approval from NVB to use the official 'approved for vegetarians' label. (One reason may be that producers have to pay for the right to use this label.)
So, there are several margarines in the Netherlands that are vegetarian, but only the Bertolli is officially labeled, and unlike in the UK there are not many producers that label their vegetarian margarine in a different way.
Also, you have to beware of 'halvarine' products, which may contain gelatin.
Finally, I don't think you will find any salted margarine in the Netherlands. Perhaps some dairy butter is salted, but even that is very rare (and probably imported from the UK